
Seniors Care Grant

The Seniors Care Grant application deadline is May 31. Funds can be used on services up to November 30, 2022.
The Seniors Care Grant provides up to $500 to eligible seniors to help cover the costs associated with household chores and services. The grant can be used to pay for lawn care, small household repairs, grocery and medication delivery, transportation and more.
To qualify, Nova Scotians must be aged 65 or older. They must also live independently in a home they own or rent – on their own or with a spouse or partner – and have an annual net household income of $37,500 or less

For more information about the Seniors Care Grant, including eligibility and applying, please call 1-800-670-4357 or visit Application forms are also available at Access Nova Scotia Centres and MLA offices across the province.



Employment Opportunity




TITLE:                                      CAO-CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER



TYPE:                                       ADMINISTRATION                  

LOCATION:                             TOWN HALL

HOURS:                                   MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:30AM to 4:30PM





  • This position is responsible to Council for administration and coordination of the delivery of services to the town residents and businesses in a manner that will ensure the effective utilization of the human, financial and physical resources of the town.
  • The CAO will oversee the execution of programs and initiatives approved and established by Council policies and any relevant governing legislation
  • Passion for public service and a commitment to leading highly experienced and competent staff committed to outstanding levels of service.
  • Responsible to conduct the Town's Strategic Action Plan
  • Must adhere to the policies and procedures of the Town
  • An approachable, outgoing, open and participatory management style.
  • Good financial management and budgetary skills.
  • Big picture thinking and the ability to anticipate problems, identify alternative courses of action, and prepare proactive recommendations and to defend and support those recommendations before the Town Council.
  • The ability to be an effective and articulate advocate for the Town's interests in discussions and negotiations with other organizations, including other municipalities, as well as provincial and federal departments and agencies.
  • Outstanding personal leadership and management skills.
  • A willingness to maintain a high degree of visibility in the community. The successful candidate will have the desire to enter into a long-term relationship with the Town of Shelburne and the community.


  • The successful candidate will hold a bachelor's degree in business or public administration, political science, finance, engineering or a related field. A graduate degree in a related field is highly preferred. A minimum of five years managerial service in a municipality, non-profit or private sector business, or a combination of these managerial experiences, is sought.


  • Conduct the affairs of the Town in a professional and courteous manner at all times,
  • Provide direction in the preparation of agendas for Council and Committee meetings.
  • Develop and maintain liaison with officials, groups, agencies, and government departments as is necessary to secure information and advice that will assist Council and promote the interests of the municipality.
  • Maintain a thorough working knowledge of Provincial Legislation and Regulations that affect the policy decisions of Council.
  • Ensure that Council receives staff reports on agenda items that provide a background, technical analysis, alternatives and a recommendation sufficient for Council to make an informed decision.
  • Provide advice to the Mayor and Council on agenda items during Council and Committee meetings.
  • Ensure that sound public relations are maintained by communicating information on the actions and decisions of Council to the general public through the media.
  • Adhere to the priorities established in the Town’s Strategic Action Plan and proceed with the goals in a timely manner,
  • Interact in a positive manner with the public.



  • The successful candidate will become the Chief Administrative Officer of a municipal unit with an annual operating budget over five million dollars, an ambitious capital works program, and fourteen full and part-time staff. The CAO will be responsible for leading, directing and managing the delivery of services to the Town’s residents and businesses, providing strategic policy advice to Council, and leveraging external funding to support Council’s objectives.


  • As a leader and facilitator, the successful candidate will support departmental managers and staff in establishing and achieving their performance objectives. The CAO will also liaise with stakeholders, other municipal units and levels of governments on significant projects affecting the Town. Skill and respect for the governance process and the roles of elected officials, volunteers, and members of the public is critical to the role.


Request for Proposals-Zero Turn Mower

Town of Shelburne

Request for Proposals:
Zero-Turn Mower
The Town of Shelburne is seeking a commercial zero-turn mower and invites vendors to submit quotes.
Proposal Description
The Town of Shelburne’s request for quotes for a zero-turn mower must include the following specifications:
• 52” minimum cutting deck (maximum 54”)
• Heavy duty deck
• Commercial engine with a minimum of 24 hp
• Deluxe suspension seat
• Rollover protection system (ROPS)
• Minimum 24” rear wheels
• Hour meter and monitor
The Town requests the vendor to provide the price plus HST, availability, warranty information as well as information on a service agreement.
The bidder is responsible for FOB.
Proposal Submission
Proposals must be submitted by 2 PM on May 6th, 2022, to Sarah Mattatall, Manager of Administration & Human Resources for the Town of Shelburne (contact details below).
For any questions or clarification please contact Will Butler, Supervisor of Public Works for the Town of Shelburne.


Tax Bills are in the Mail

Tax Bills are in the mail and due May 31st, 2022

Payments can be made by cash, debit, cheque or money order (payable to the Town of Shelburne) from Monday to Friday between 9am and 2pm at the Town Hall located at 168 Water Street.
The Town of Shelburne also accepts payments by Electronic Bill Payment Service(Online Banking) with several institutions (see below).
This service enables bill payment access through telephone, internet systems, automated banking machines as well as teller transactions. The proper payee name is required as well as your eight-digit Assessment Account Number(s). If you have more than one property you must enter each assessment number and the amount you are sending for each one.
Online payments are possible with the following banking institutions:
CIBC – payee name is: Shelburne (NS/Town of) Tax
Scotia Bank – payee name is: TOWN OF SHELBURNE (NS) TAX
Bank of Montreal – payee name is: Shelburne (NS), Town-Of-Tax
TD Canada Trust – payee name is: Shelburne Nova Scotia (Town of) Taxes
Royal Bank of Canada – payee name is: Town of Shelburne (Nova Scotia) - Tax
Please ensure that you are using the correct payee name when using this service.
The Town of Shelburne has added an additional payment option for our ratepayers who wish to pay their Tax, Water and Port Authority bill using a credit card. This service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Plastiq will charge you for the use of their service to cover the cost of the payment handling and processing. The Town of Shelburne does NOT receive any part of this service fee. Plastiq is an independent third-party company providing a service for the Town of Shelburne.
The service fee charged by Plastiq for Tax, Water and Port Authority account payments is 2% of your payment amount. This amount will be billed directly to your credit card. For example:
Any questions regarding account information for this payment option please contact:
Jennifer Perry
(902) 875-2991 Ext. 2 or
