
Special Town Council Meeting-April 13th, 2022

Please Note:  There will be a Special Town Council Meeting on Wednesday April 13th regarding the 2022/23 Budget

Location: Shelburne Community Centre, Meeting Room A

Time: 6pm


Expression of Interest- PID#80149321


APRIL 6, 2022                                                                                              FILE NUMBER 2023-9321

Following the requirements of the Council Disposal of Surplus Property Policy of 2019 (Policy), the Town of Shelburne (Town) is moving forward with disposing of surplus property in a fair, legally compliant and impartial manner, which takes into account the highest financial return to the Town, balanced with economic and community development opportunities. The Town has determined it has not identified any long-term use for this property (see Policy 1.a) ).

Through this Call for Expression of Interest method (see Policy 3.a) ) the Town is asking interested parties to submit sealed submissions for the purchase of the property of PID 80149321 (see map below). The Town requires this property to be utilized for housing development with a minimum of 4 units, for this 2.59-acre parcel. Per the Land Use By-Law, this parcel is presently zoned Residential Mobile (R-M) therefore purchaser would have to apply for any desired zoning changes, per Section 210 of the Municipal Government Act of Nova Scotia (MGA).

The property will be awarded to the highest bidder and requires the purchaser to sign a buy-back contract, agree to submit their plans to the Town for housing development within 120 days of signing and complete the building of said development within 36 months of signing. The minimum bid is set at $28,000.00. Applicable taxes and transfer fees will be additional and at the expense of the purchaser. The Town will cover the cost of the survey but not the migration (registry) or rezoning (if requested). Unopened streets surrounding the three (3) sides of the property will be available for purchase by any abutting property owners, at a future date.


Section A: Responses

Interested parties are requested to submit their responses to this EOI in writing to the following address:

                               Town of Shelburne

                               Attention: Office of the CAO

                               168 Water Street, PO Box 670

                               Shelburne, NS

                               B0T 1W0

Please indicate File No. 2023-9321 on all correspondence.

Section B: Responses Requested by

As this may be the only invitation to submit an Expression of Interest to purchase this property, interested parties need to provide responses by noon AT, April 29, 2022. Any response received after this date will not be considered.

Section C: Security Deposit and Remaining Payment

Submissions require a minimum payment of five thousand ($5,000) dollars and if you are the successful bidder, the remaining payment is due within twenty (20) business days. If not received within that timeline, the next highest bidder will be awarded the property and will be allotted 20 business days to submit the remaining payment.

Section D: Additional Information

For more information, please contact Sherry Doane, CAO, by phone at (902) 875-2991 x5 or by email to:

Note that this is a Call for Expression of Interest.  The Town will not necessarily post any future ads related to this request.

Special Town Council Meeting-April 5th, 2022-RESCHEDULED

PLEASE NOTE: This has been rescheduled to Wed April 13th at 6pm at the Community Centre

Please Note: There will be a Special Town Council Meeting on Tuesday April 5th regarding the 2022/23 Budget.  

Location: Shelburne Community Centre, Meeting Room A

Time: 6pm


Town of Shelburne News Release-April 4th, 2022

Town of Shelburne preparing to officially decommission first-generation landfill

Funding applications submitted to the Government of Canada to support decommissioning

Shelburne, NS – The Town of Shelburne has submitted a funding application to the Government of Canada’s Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) to support its efforts to ensure its first-generation landfill, closed since 1996, conforms to Nova Scotia Environment and Climate Change (NSECC) requirements.

The proposed work, including installing testing wells and setting up a monitoring program, will build upon the closing work conducted in 1998, which included reshaping of the slopes with geotextile silt fencing installation followed by hydroseeding, then some 5,000 metric tonnes of fill covering was added.

“Town Council unanimously supports officially decommissioning the landfill,” said Harold Locke, Mayor, Town of Shelburne. “Some residents have raised concerns about the potential environmental impact of landfill, and we are taking the necessary steps to address any issues that may exist. Official decommissioning of the landfill is the right thing to do.”

As part of the official decommissioning, water samples from the testing wells and nearby residents’ wells will be submitted for laboratory analysis and, if necessary, additional work will be performed to achieve a NSECC requirements. NSECC must approve the decommissioning plan and the proposed engineering, biological and environmental considerations.

Once formally decommissioned, the land will create opportunities for future site use to benefit the community.

The project will take over five years to complete and is estimated at $468,000 to which the town has applied for a $297,000 grant from ICIP. “The ICIP grant will allow us to move forward with this project without needing to use much of the operating reserves, but we are committed to this project nonetheless and will use the reserves to make it happen, if we have to,” said Locke.

The first-generation landfill operated from 1946 to 1996 and was used by the residents and businesses of the Town of Shelburne and the Municipality of the District of Shelburne, along with the Department of National Defence and Roseway Hospital and Manor, and others. After the landfill officially closed in 1996, the site served as a transfer station for white metals for a short period of time. Subsequently, NSECC allowed the placement of downed trees and shrubs from Hurricane Dorian and Hurricane Juan on top of the closed landfill.

The Town of Shelburne will update residents on its funding application and the decommission as it proceeds, including making the water analysis synopsis publicly available.