
Washington Black Mini Series Accommodation List Update

 Movie_1.jpgThe Town Office has collected accommodation details/applications which have now all been forwarded to the Washington Black production’s location crew and any further submissions to the Town office will be forwarded directly to them.

The Town will post any news it has on timing however, bookings of accommodations will be done directly by the Location Crew.
The positive feedback from the community has helped prove to the production crew that we, once again, have enough accommodation options in the county for the entire crew and actors to stay, if they do film a portion of Washington Black in Shelburne/Birchtown area

Tax Sale Cancelled

Please Note: The Tax Sale that was scheduled for March 15th, 2022 has been cancelled as all properties have been paid. Thank you!



Nova Scotia Power 2022 Scholarship & Bursary Program

Apply Now: 2022 Scholarships and Bursaries

Fostering education, diversity and inclusion to support strong, healthy communities of tomorrow.

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Response to Shekara Grant's Letter Open Letter

Response to Shekara Grant's Letter, from the Mayor of Shelburne, N.S.

Throughout February, communities across the province have celebrated the longstanding history of those of African descent. Visiting the Black Loyalist Heritage Centre in Birchtown, for the African Heritage Month proclamation, was a timely acknowledgment of how we must learn from our past to improve the future. All of us need to engage in tough conversations to understand the truths of our shared history. And not just for one month of the year.

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